A man and his daughter eating breakfast at home.

What is Life Insurance?

You are on track to reaching your goals in life. You may have landed your first full-time job, moved out of your parents’ home and purchased your own home, be thinking of getting married or just landed a big promotion. You might also be thinking of getting life insurance to protect yourself, your loved ones or your assets. Life insurance can help you protect your family and dependents from financial hardship and debt when you are no longer there to provide for them.
Life insurance, like all types of insurance, works by spreading financial risk among a large group of people, who pay into a pool or fund. This minimizes costs for an unexpected event like death. Think of it like depositing money into a safety net that will safeguard your loved ones and your assets, and repay your debts when you no longer can.
Your life insurance policy is a contract between you and an insurer. You agree to pay a fee called a premium, and the insurer agrees to pay your beneficiaries or your estate an amount of money upon your death. The payout to your beneficiaries, known as the death benefit, is a tax-free lump sum that can be used to pay for your funeral. It can also be used to pay off student loans and other debts, provide for your loved ones, donate to charity or set up a trust.

Features & Benefits:

All life insurance can give you financial confidence that your family will have financial stability in your absence. But generally, the more life insurance you have, the more benefits it will provide to your family when needed. For example, some people receive a nominal amount of life insurance – say $25,000 – through their workplace. While that theoretically sounds like a nice sum of money, in practice it may only be enough to cover funeral expenses and a few mortgage payments. But with a larger coverage amount, your family can realize far more benefits, such as:



You may have heard from your family and friends that getting life insurance at a younger age is a benefit to you. But why? Because when you apply for term or permanent life insurance, the insurer assesses the degree of risk that you represent. They look at things like your age, gender, weight and medical history and then place you into risk categories which help determine your premiums and your coverage. Usually the younger and healthier you are, the lower the risk and the lower the premiums.

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