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Segregated Funds Overview:

Getting Started to invest can be a bit intimidating, and even more so if the concept of investing is brand new to you. For many it can be even more overwhelming with the various options that are available in today’s investment market. This can sometimes become compounded by concerns of possibly losing your investments, which might deter you from starting your investment journey.

Segregated Funds are very similar to mutual funds, but the main difference between them is the guarantees that they offer, while protecting your investment principle against possible market downturns. They are insurance products that are sold exclusively by insurance companies, which are made up of stocks, bond, and money market securities, and are managed by investment professional.

Advantages of investing in Segregated Funds:

  • Your Principal Investment is protected by maturity date guarantee – you are guaranteed to get 75% to 100% of your investment back when the policy reaches its maturity.
  • Death Benefit Guarantee – depending on your contract, 75% to 100% of your deposit will be paid tax free to your named beneficiary, bypassing your estate, and avoiding any possible lengthy delays.
  • Credit Protection – in the event of bankruptcy or a lawsuit, creditors cannot access the fund. This provides an added level of security during difficult times, with it being payable to only the name beneficiary.

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